Professional and timely drone spraying services provided by seasoned drone application specialists, located in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and serving the region.
Thank you, Jonesboro, for awarding us Silver Best Flying Service! We are proud to provide efficient and effective spray drone services to this area.
When it comes to application services you need experts that are local, reliable, and timely. Rantizo is thrilled to expand our applications services to the Upper Southeast region for the 2024 season, with a team of drone application specialists who live and work in the local communities they serve.
The hub is equipped with drone application specialists who have logged over 400+ flight hours. They are ready to bring autonomy to your operation this season.
If a drone can do it, we've probably flown it somewhere in Arkansas – from rice and soybeans, to corn and pumpkins, plus ponds, pastures and even some duck holes.
Our pilots have mastered the skill of flying DJI Agras drones. These spray drones can cover a variety of landscapes and crops, for effective product usage and control.
Our drone application specialists have flown over 8,000 acres covering over 10 different crops, so you can rest assured we will meet or exceed your expectations.
Look, we know every region is different. Spraying a 160-acre block of flat, square corn fields in central Iowa is not the same as spraying Arkansas rice levees in the heat of July or duck blinds in early fall.
Our pilots are experts. Local experts. These are local guys and gals that have been trained to spray under your local conditions, for your crops and applications.
Our local team of drone application specialists are fully trained, certified, licensed, insured, and just down right good at what they do. Contact us today to help you with any of your drone spraying needs.
UPSE Hub Lead
Hometown: Jonesboro, AR
We are always on the lookout for the best in the drone industry.
If it is a spray day you will find us out in the field. But, if its rainy or too windy then swing by the shop! We would love to shake your hand and share a cup of coffee.
In-Season Hours:
Off-Season Hours:
“It stopped raining after fungicide application and we didn’t have the pressure that we expected.  Watching the combine monitor, I could tell where you had to standoff along the tree lines, but those areas weren’t seen anywhere within field.  [We’ll] definitely be using Rantizo again next year.”
"I had 45 acres I had sprayed with a drone that no airplane pilot wanted any part of spraying in. It had soybeans on 3 sides of them and nearly blooming. The grass was so bad that I may of missed the crop on those 45 acres because grass was choking out the rice. Within 4/5 days you could start to see the rice over taking the dying grass. I went from almost missing a crop to cutting 195 bu an acre on those 45 acres because of the drone application to kill the grass."
"The biggest advantage with the drone application is it appears to cause less drift than a crop duster. It’s traveling slower and the propellers seem to displace the solution downward more efficiently, leading to more direct contact with the targeted plants. I would highly recommend Rantizo to anybody for aerial application."
"I am impressed with the results from our trial using aerial drone application of aquatic herbicide to an overgrown pond. In this trial, matted vegetation in shallow water that is normally difficult to treat effectively by all but highly specialized applicator boats was done quickly and easily by the drone with results that were at least as strong as traditional boat-based application. I see great potential in aerial drone herbicide application to small impoundments and I am looking forward to further testing of this emerging approach to aquatic plant management."
To request drone spraying services, please complete this form in its entirety. Upon completion, our team will call to discuss how we can best support your needs.
Rantizo connects demand and supply for agricultural spray drone services with a turnkey service platform. Operators in our network fly and apply in 30 states, providing qualified, licensed, and insured precision application services.
Keep up with all the latest Rantizo news including: product releases, upcoming events, drone spraying industry tips, and more!