Aerial drone services weren’t normally seen at farm shows until recently. So, Rantizo’s drones naturally caught John England’s eye just down the aisle from the Pinnacle Group booth during the 2019 Iowa Power Farming Show. Little did he know that chance proximity would lead to new opportunities for fungicide application and more for his team at Pinnacle.
“We got to looking at their model and it looked interesting, so we followed up with them, went to a couple of demos and meetings, and realized it had a lot of potential for different aspects of our work,” England said.
Pinnacle provides farmers agronomic services and environmental consulting work around Iowa Falls, Iowa. After becoming a Rantizo application services contractor, Pinnacle created an aerial drone services division , starting with corn fungicide application trials in 2020.
While Rantizo met England’s initial needs for an efficient way to apply the product in a field trial environment, the application itself became part of the testing process. The Pinnacle team is now able to share the results of those trials with customers curious about the efficacy of drone spraying applications.
“In addition to the performance of the fungicides, we looked at how the drone compares to a ground rig or an airplane, then got a feel for the cost-efficiency,” England said. “From the data we got back, the drone was just as competitive as other types of application as far as crop yield response.”
In the short time the Pinnacle team has operated as Rantizo contractors, England said he’s seen initial interest as an alternative to conventional aerial applications by either plane or helicopter. Though most initial customer interest has been for smaller or irregularly shaped fields, he anticipates it being a viable option in larger fields, especially for issues like knocking down weed or pest outbreaks that would otherwise be cost-prohibitive or difficult to treat with conventional methods.
“A good majority of our customers see the Rantizo drone system as more of a spot spray-type of scenario. I think that’s probably really the most ideal scenario for it given the efficiency in pinpointing specific areas to spray,” England said. “It’s still new enough yet that its full capabilities are not widely known.”
Some of those capabilities include interseeding cover crop seeds into cash crops or seeding crops in problem areas to help stave off weed pressures in prevented-planting situations. Alongside the development of new crop fertility products, England also sees the potential to help provide more balanced crop fertility in historically difficult areas.
“We’ve discussed using the Rantizo model for seeding soybeans in ponds or drowned-out areas just to get some kind of plant cover in there to help with weed suppression. If you have a highly concentrated nitrogen product, you can apply it in those wetter areas where the applicator maybe had a skip,” England said. “We can fix band-aid spots that maybe got missed completely with initial applications.”
Though Rantizo’s aerial drone services and support offers considerably more precision with applications than conventional methods, England said the capability of collecting and managing the real-time data on which those applications are based has a lot of catching up to do.
“Because of its capacity at this point, a drone isn’t going to be able to cover the acres a ground rig or plane can right now, but of the acres you are going to cover, it’s going to do a good or better job because of its improved application speed and distance to the crop. If it’s all GPS-referenced and set up to run autonomously, the precision of application is far superior to every other type of application right now, I feel,” England said. “The imagery and processing portion is still kind of limited in being able to collect and process images in a field. If we can get more headway on those logistics or the capability of processing imagery to make targeted applications more quickly, we will make major strides in what we can accomplish.”
England anticipates continuing to apply product in corn fungicide application field trials, expanding into commercial applications. At the same time, Rantizo will provide a new way for the Pinnacle team to get attention from existing and potential new customers, contributing to improved visibility of the company’s services and overall business growth. In this way, England sees the Rantizo agricultural aerial drone services system similar to the evolution of precision ag tools and their subsequent adoption among farmers.
“There’s nothing like Rantizo right now. Farmers are curious and it’s fueling a lot of coffee shop talk. Adoption will come with time. Right now, it’s important for us to get out there, show what the system can offer and learn its capabilities together with our customers,” England said. “Yield monitors have been around 30 years, we’ve watched them progress and they’ve helped farmers make better decisions, be more efficient and get better returns on their technology investment. That same process will happen soon for drone systems like Rantizo’s.”
Learn more about Rantizo and how an aerial drone services business could work for you here.
The post Agronomists discover efficiencies with Rantizo’s agricultural drone system appeared first on Rantizo.
Rantizo connects demand and supply for agricultural spray drone services with a turnkey service platform. Operators in our network fly and apply in 30 states, providing qualified, licensed, and insured precision application services.
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